Paulette's Blog

0 posts published in March 2017

All Jets Running

March 6, 2017

Earlier in my career I worked in television publicity at various levels of responsibility. 


Since then my career portfolio has evolved to more fully encompass today’s hallmarks of the communications landscape: digital marketing, social media, blogging and other online content with public relations as its foundation.

Indeed, this reflects my more robust portfolio of communications skills, but more importantly, reflects today’s landscape in which all companies, brands and individuals need...

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Public Relations vs. Marketing: Are They the Same Thing?

March 21, 2017

I frequently encounter misconceptions about marketing and public relations, and what they actually accomplish vis-a-vis a company’s strategic objectives. The most notable of these is the belief that public relations and marketing are the same thing. These are actually two distinct functions within a company, whether a large global organization with thousands of employees, or a small business with just a handful.


While both marketing and PR must be integrated into a company’s overall brand...

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